Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thanks, my amoureux

A few days ago, I told you about my perfume, Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet. My amoureux gave me a companion present, also for my birthday: Penhaligon's exquisite sterling silver fragrance bottle, which dangles and chimes on a long chain. I carry Blenheim Bouquet everywhere, inhaling its lemon and pepper blend for a happiness boost.

Now aforementioned amoureux is making me yet another exciting gift: as he is heading for the Cannes Film Festival for work, he has invited me to tag along. We'll be staying at the supremely luxurious Martinez hotel, where many stars are just down the corridor, and will be walking the red carpet at night to attend screenings. Naturally I will cover this extraordinary event, with papparazzi snapshots, pictures of my red carpet outfits, party reports and, oh yes, film reviews.
If you can't wait for us to head for the Croisette, Cannes's sea-side boulevard leading to the Palais des Festivals, check out CannesGirl, my very own coverage of last year's Festival, where this picture was taken...


Esti said...

Girl, you are luckY! I mean lucky to have such an amoreux... ;)

Chloé Van Paris said...

I wish to Marie-Laura a beautiful time in Cannes with dear monsieur l'amoureux.

marie said...

have a lovely lovely trip!

Anonymous said...

I'm dying to read your posts from Cannes Film Festival!!!!

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

I'm most excited about your up coming trip to Cannes. I can't wait for your daily updates so I've linked to you so I don't forget...btw you look stunning!


What a lovely gift. Have fun at the Cannes Festival, I'm waiting for your posts.

Jill said...

EEEK! So exciting. Can't wait to see the photos. Have loads of fun!

Anonymous said...

ok you are official my hero!!! and how casually you slippe dthat into yoru are slick.

Iñaki said...

You're just too adorably chic. Those are amazing presents, and I love the idea of carrying a little of your fragrance everywhere!


Sharon said...

Wow-what a fantastic opportunity-you are a very lucky girl!! I adore your pendant-it's stunning! Thanks for dropping by my blog-I love yours!!

Anonymous said...

dépèche toi!

artycho said...

How thrilling! the two of you in Cannes covering the glittering festival! I will check your posts with attention! Eh, l'amoureux is losing his patience there, are you late again?

etre-soi said...

lucky u :) I'm keeping an eye on your other blog.
Have a wonderful time !!!

Andrea Tachezy said...

Wonderful present! And enjoy your time in Cannes.Looking forward for the news!

Rina said...

Espectacular!!! increíble!!! no tengo palabras...pasalo super bien y saca muchas fotos. Una experiencia inexplicable me imagino. Contanos cómo la estás pasando y qué estás viendo. Un abrazo.

Kira Aderne said...

i am happy for you!


littlebird said...

oh my how very exciting, lookin forward to hearing all about it!
Lovely wee perfume bottle am a bit envious : )

Angie hearts said...

Ah, I know! so exciting! can't wait~

Mary-Laure said...

ARTYCHO - I'm not exactly late; it'sjust that I had tostayin Paris until Friday because of my work, whereas the amoureux left for the Festival's inauguration on Wednesday...

Anonymous said...

Querida, que te vaya bien en Cannes.

Kwana said...

Mary-laure you are the best with your photos and keeping us in the know. the gift is lovely. I got a new camera for Mother's day from the DH Dear Twins and Jack. I hope to get half as good as you. You're an inspiration to me.

Topsy Turvy said...

How exciting! You look so pretty, and we can't wait to hear about your trip!
Post lots of pictures so we can live vicariously...

Anonymous said...

Mary Laure should arrive in Cannes at 20.40 PM, just in time to get dressed and walk on the "Palais du Festival" red carpet to see "UC MAYMUN" directed by Nury Bilge CEYLAN...

Anonymous said...

M-L fais rever ton pere a Cannes avec Sean Penn et Clint, regale nous de belles photos sous les angles dont tu as le secret...


Ooh thats such a great gift to get! I love perfumes or cosmetics in shapes of jewelery

Laura in Paris said...

What's cooking in Cannes this year?Spot "Acne", an Uruguayan movie, by Federico Veiroj!

The Fancier said...

wow, that is amazing! You are so lucky! And a great pendant too!


my sister s also named Marie Laure
have a great time on ZE CROIZETTE !!!


my sister s also named Marie Laure
have a great time on ZE CROIZETTE !!!

tangobaby said...

Wow! I missed a few posts and now I am terribly behind. It's all movie stars now!

You are so glamourous!!!

Mrs.French said...

OH goodness! Where have I been? I had no idea you were going tl Cannes! I am excited to see the remainder of the posts.