My heart is in mourning these days, that's why I haven't blogged in a while. Sometimes in my sadness, the beauty of the cedars outside my window brings me some respite.
What helps you when you're in pain?
Looking for sparks of gold in daily life (Dance, Arts, Fashion, Books...)
Oh I am sorry to hear you are sad! Nature is always a tremendous help, huh?
I'm so sorry that you are having a difficult time. I suppose what helps my heart when it suffers is a good dose of beauty - a lovely bouquet, a trip to the museum, and perhaps a little Joni Mitchell (but not too much or I really start brooding).
I am sorry to hear about your sadness. What helps me? Work,work, work, sport, walks in forrest ( witha a horse or a dog )and talks with friends. But in this time - the end of August I am feeling some kind of sadness every year :-)
i'm so sorry to hear that you're feeling blue. i think you're doing the right thing - finding solace in nature. hope your spirits are lifted soon.
oh dear!! sorry that you are sad....;(
when i a blue....the rain makes me feel better....but "p" said...a dose of beauty...
sorry i hope whatever it is...passes soon!!!
oh gosh, grief. i'm sorry to hear about your sadness. i tend to write my heart out. (hence, my recent post on grief.) and i also stare out the window a fair amount, take walks if i can, and i find baking quite therapeutic. and sad music. but not too much sad music! sending warm thoughts to you...
i hope you feel better soon, Mary-Laure. when i'm sad, i talk to my mom. she always makes me feel better. and a long walk helps too.
What helps me is to cry, cry hard and long. (i've been doing it off and on all spring); meditation; also when my beagle pounces around shakes his tail and his head, wiggles his hips, lifts his paw, pounces and dances about. My sisters; birdsong; music, lots of it and working out. Poetry. The ocean pounding surf. Its so old. Salty. Time.
Your trees are strong, solid. They feel ancient and full of hushed wisdoms. Peace to your heart.
Oh...i'm really sorry to hear that Mary-Laure. I do wish you'll feel a little bit better soon. When i'm sad naturally I tend to cry lots. Then walking in the countryside wherever possible is a great help to me. it reconciles me with the world.
Hope happiness will find its path in your heart soon..
playing the piano, seeing my cat, knowing that it's a part of life to be sad sometimes... x
Espero que tus penas pasen pronto.
Cuando estoy triste trato de hacer respiraciones profundas y leo El arte de la felicidad, del Dalai Lama y Howard C cutler.
Te mando un abrazo muy grande!!!
Quand l'amour nous déserte,
comme le reflux de la mer,
Laissant sur son replis
cette poignée
d'épaves abandonnées
couchées sur le sable gris
d'un jour triste et pale
quand l'amour,
s'enlise s'ensable, se tait
dans la rancoeur et le chagrin
La danse, la poésie,
nos douleurs secrètes
et catalysent
la violence de nos vies
dans l'ascetisme
de gestes dépouillés
et de formes pures
La danse, la poésie
nous consolent,
nous purifient,
et nous ramènent à la vie.
I am sorry you are sad... I always seem to write in my journal during those times, go inside myself and it becomes good. I also love looking at beautiful photo books or decorating books because it makes my mind focus on beauty. I am thinking of you. Hugs. xoxo
mary-laure, i´m also very sorry you are going through hard times. i sent you many hugs and kisses.
when i am sad, i let my family and friends confort me. being in company of people i love always makes me feel better.
mary-laure, i hope you'll feel better soon! nature always reminds me of beauty in simple things to take it easy..and good food, just relaxing, taking a nap,taking a walk..and here, when i feel blue, i visit museums. i feel the energy of other artists and get inspired
Oh, dear girl. I'm so sad to know that you are sad. I like to be where there are lots of trees and it's cool and dark. Also I will watch a quiet lovely film (like Rivers and Tides) or listen to Chopin's Nocturnes.
I also eat ice cream. I hope something brings you comfort very soon. Know that lots of people around the world are sending you hugs.
I go with the flow of my pain and wait for time to smooth things out. Hang in there.
oh dear, I hope whatever it is that is making you sad isn't too serious.
I find snuggling in bed with a good book of poetry always helps me when I'm sad :(
Feel better soon!
I'm sorry to learn that you're feeling sad. I tend to give into it--cry, feel whatever comes naturally, but then try to get out in the sunshine to feel better.
Oh! Mary-Laure, your short post brought tears in my eyes! I have got no remedies for sadness but crying, friends and time... Hope you'll feel better soon! XXX
Dear All,
how could I ever thank you for all your wonderful, sweet and thoughtful words?
They all went straight to my (ailing) heart.
so sorry to hear you're feeling pain...when I am, i let myself feel it--i let the feelings wash over me, i cry, i let myself be alone until the feelings start to subside a bit...then maybe i try to get to a place where i feel safe--a hike int he woods or a walk on the beach..maybe i just sleep in the middle of the day.
most importantly i give myself a break until the feelings start to wash away--they do---they really do...
i hope you're feeling better...when i'm feeling down, i find solace in taking care of myself in rather trivial ways. getting a professional mani/pedi always makes me feel pampered and pretty and lets me just relax.
Listening to music or watching a favorite movie or sometimes painting help in time of darkness... or sometimes just a good cry.
Feel better... surround yourself with people who love you and bring you joy!
My dear Marie-Laure,
You have such thoughtful and intuitive readers. I was touched to read their concern.
I like what mansuetude wrote about those trees surrounding the chateau. They are indeed strong and solid, 'ancient and full of hushed wisdoms'. Try to draw strength in their deep, stable roots. And when you are ready for lightness, look to the young children that are all around you. They love you.
I connect with nature too when I am down. I go to a little bridge near my house and just sit and watch the lake. It's amazing how watching wildlife can ease my pain. Hang in there...I'll be thinking about you!
Dear Marie-Laure,
Please feel better soon!
I miss seeing your wonderful blog-posts, and am concerned about the silence!
Maybe all the nice comments til now will help and I would like to add that perhaps to know that you are very inspiring to a large number of people might be a salve.
I hope your spirits heal soon.
Take care!
PILLS. Not kidding.
But actually, a friend once told me to meditate on the positive things in my life, by repeating them and writing them down in a notebook..
Other than that, brooding and having some down time alone works for me..
Thank you Thank you THANK YOU all!
Your support means a lot to me...
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