The colors of the 2 top pictures weren't photoshoped at all; the fog really made the beach appear straight out of a black and white film. As for the last one, I slightly enhanced the pink hue, but as the surfers were heading West at sunset, that's pretty much the color reality was when I snapped the photograph. Beautiful, eerie California.
Can you spot teeny Benjy, here pictured with colleagues he met on the beach?
Benjy is a bit hard to does he like the beach?
benji i see you, how is the future?
love the surfers, will you try it?
D. MOLL - I have become a beach fanatic. The smells of the sea, seashells and algae just intoxicate me, and I'm always thrilled to make pals.
MANSETUDE - the future is The Sea, and The West, for West of California is The East... The future is Christmas presents and the return of spring.
I'm not sure about surfing. Unlike my friends the labradors, I don't like getting my little paws wet. But I love surfing as a metaphor - you know, being poised between the elements of water and air, letting oneself be carried yet using th energy of nature to power oneself and raise above the elements...
Anyhow, go Lakers!
Beautiful pictures!
Benjy you are soooo deep in that meditation of the elements to mansetude!
Oh, Benjy, I am SO scared when I see you with your new big tall friends ... you seem happy in your new home.
Magical photos - j'adore..!
Benjy certainly looks to have settled in nicely..:)
Eerie for sure and beautiful shots. Benjy seems to like its new life, isn't it?
I've been reading some of your posts.. I really like your photography (the flower close-ups, the panoramas)and I found out that we have something in common: we've both lived abroad for many years. I read you lived in Iran, China, Africa.. ; I lived abroad too for 12 years (in America and in England) but my whole family is Italian and after living here 12years now I can finally say I feel more Italian than English because for a while there I was more a person living in between realities than actually feeling like I belonged to either. Maybe you know what I mean. Anyhow being bilingual is great and I'm really thankful for the experience I had.
Thank you so much for visiting!
à bientot
The smell of the sea, a foggy day, it sounds nostalgic,romantic,fantastic.
Amazing pics!
Foggy or not life is a real BEACH!
Glad to see that you've settled into your new home dear...
Such foggy days often steal my romantic heart.
These pics are wonderful. And check out Benjy making friends!
How wonderful... Benjy has beach friends!
GREAT photos!
I love the effect of fog in pictures. These are lovely!
something about fog that is kinda grey....wht can you "see" etc...what is revealed later....nature can be quite poetic. and i loooooooove surfer guys...
Gorgeous pictures!
I love going to the beach, even when it is cold, love the sea :D
My favorite pic is the off centered black and white of the dogs. You have such a great eye.
Congrats! Today I nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger award. Tag your it and I love your writing.
The first photo is really beautiful!
makes for lovely picutres!!!
MISS GLITZY - oh yes, Benjy has settled fine and is VERY happy here.
FRANCESCA - thanks for your comment, it sounds like you have a fascinating background and I'd really LOVE to hear more about it.
By the way, I love Italy and even had an Italian great-grandmother (bisnonna) whom I never got to meet but whom I've heard a lot about.
KARINA - romantic... I wish, ha ha ha...
NANCY - if you love surfer guys you should definitely come over and visit me. Why don't you?
LAURA - aaaawwww, thank you!!!! I'll check it out right away.
I absolutely love them...beautiful!
These images look like the start of a movie ... :)
wow! the fog makes everything so captured it beautifully.
I love the combination of fog & sea. Now I must just get myself a little dog so I can go for walks on the beach (which is a 5 minute walk from where I live). Oh, I am so laaaaaazy!! But if I had a little dog, well, it would be different then!
Gorgeous shots of the fog. Sometimes that is very hard to capture in a photograph but you did it lovely! I think Benjy has adapted quite well to his new lifestyle.
ANAIRAM - yyyyyyyeeeeessss! Do get a dog, preferably from a shelter.
TANGOBABY - Benjy has adjusted so well it's incredible. He's a natural Californian.
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