As you know, I just moved to the Los Angeles area, so I had to buy some home basics such as kitchenware. When I found these (affordable) plates designed by Sweden's Sagaform (ah, give me Scandinavian design any time!), I couldn't resist. They come from A+R Store, a wonderful design trove in Venice, where I also picked a number of Christmas present - shhhhhh. Would you like us to visit the store together in another post some time?
Oh dear, I never expected I would end up giving some cleaning tips on this blog! To make up for this, I promise my next post will be about super glamorous world travel - stay tuned!
Tu sembles vraiment bien installée dans cette nouvelle vie californienne. Allez demain matin, je nettoie mon laptop!
very good tip--i shall swab the deck with tea tree! we stayed in tonight as well- it is slushy snow on the other coast...the top pictures are a ray of light here in the grey northeast!
I have been using tee tree oil as a natural disinfectant for years. A couple of drops with your clothes in the washing machine along with unscented biodegradable detergent is what my mom taught me years ago. A drop or two in the porcelain bathroom sink or shower freshens the entire room. Also, when on public transportation, a drop of a soothing essential oil on a handkerchief kept in the pocket and occassionally held at your nose helps avoid the polluted air... lavender and ylang ylang are my favorites.
yes!!!! I heard that too! keyboards=dirtiest thing! :/
Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas!
BONBON - stay warm in the Northeast...
J ELAINE - I love that fresh smell in the bathroom too. And I sometimes use your washing machine trick, too.
I am pretty sure my keyboard is a cesspool. I need to do this. :p
I love the lemon's amazing how your pictures are capturing California so well now. :)
are those lemons from your garden? Love the design of the plates! Where can I get tea tree in Paris?
MURALIMANOHAR - thanks, I'm glad you think I capture California well... It was some leap for me!
WORLD IN A PAN - yes, the lemons come from my backyard.
You can find tea tree oil in Paris in any "magasin bio" such as Naturalia or Bio Generation.
I quickly cleaned my handy (as my friend in Switzerland calls it) after i read your post :)
Aren't you glad it finally stopped raining!
oh, thanks Mary-Laure for the tip, I knew that our keyboards were full of bacteria, but you mentioning it again, made me remember to clean it. I think tea tree has this fresh, clean smell.
We haven-t had so much rain, but lots of fog and it's rather cold here. I also enjoyed your previous post, gotta see that movie, love kate winslet....
I'm scared to do the washing machine trick, don't your clothes have a tea tree scent after that??
wish you a lovey day and enjoy the sunday!
I visited the website of the Sagaform (Swedish design) and loved their Chromed Bucket Grill!
SOLANGE - you haven't left for NYC yet?
I don't find that my laundry smells like tea tree oil if I add just a couple of drops to my load...
Enjoy your weekend! I hope you do get a few rays on sunshine.
LAURA - well now I know what to get you for your birthday, he he he...
SOLANGE - you haven't left for NYC yet?
I don't find that my laundry smells like tea tree oil if I add just a couple of drops to my load...
Enjoy your weekend! I hope you do get a few rays on sunshine.
LAURA - well now I know what to get you for your birthday, he he he...
Nice you moved to LA, California is so lovely!! I have many friends there, and hope to visit there someday...Gabbi has been giving me lodas of good reasons to visit and now I found yet another one lol
I'd love to visit the store with you, you can be a good coach. I come to your blog now and then (did'n know you had moved to Calidornia) to learn about good taste, and class, and savor vivre.
It's time to say - Merry Christmas!
MICHIKO - I would love you to visit Gabbi and me in California! We'd have lots of fun I'm sure.
NINA - your sweet words are making me blush...
Ah, yes, tea tree oil is good for so many things... I am off to clean my grey-tinged keyboard now.
Wishing you a happy Christmas and a decidedly brilliant start to '09... g
GRACIA and MARIE-LOUISE - Merry Christmas to you too, with plenty of surprises, good company and joy.
i love your blog. you make me want to get dressed up which takes a lot of effort up here in the snowbanks of the north. : )
but i love hats, dance and photography too.
Hi Mary Laure! Thanks for the tip about cleaning my keyboard, I am sure mine is disgusting. :) Happy New Year to you and as always, I still love your blog. The photos make me happy.
Where are you taking ballet out there?
WHITNEY - how lovely to hear from you!!! I take class here in LA at Westside Ballet and may also try a class I was told about at the Dance Arts Academy...
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