I have written time and again about my
passion for Etsy, its talented, crafty and kind designers. Well I can now add a new Etsy seller to my list of favorites:
Little Love Letters sells beautiful and surprising vinyl decals that you can apply to your walls for instant style. I had a hard time selecting a single model - I didn't want to overdo it in my smallish room, but finally went for an ornate
chandelier, that is elegantly reflected in my curvy mirror and contrasts with my room's pop yet sober style.
I also had to change the blinds in my room, replacing the metallic ones with light, natural wood ones. Why the change?

A certain four-legged someone, in fits on rage directed at the mailwoman and at Otis, his nemesis from across the street, destroyed the original blinds with his beastly fangs...
The lower part of the window is also now covered is textured Japanese paper, that lets through a good deal of light while keeping Benjy's enemies away from his alert gaze...
The look on Benjy's face is priceless! He looks so guilty...
Thanks for sharing your finds. I love getting recommendations and will try to get the sunscreen lotion the next time I am in France.
Does Benji like the new chandelier? :)
I am in complete sympathy with Benji.
Also, I love the decal...will go to visit the shop. This might satisfy my lust for a bedroom chandelier without jumping to purchase one. I need to look around more before I do that. And before that, I have a million (OK, less but...) projects to complete. Thanks for the suggestion.
Benji is totally adorable (butyou knew that:)
That adorable little sweet face. He looks like a pup that enjoys beauty, so I'm sure the beautiful paper and blinds will be pleasing to his eyes. I like the chandelier. It is easy to care for no dusting or changing the light bulbs. Enjoy! xoxo
How pretty! I've been contemplating buying some vinyl wall decorations.
Your place is looking eclectic - and fabulous.
Must tell my sister about your window treatment - her dog has destroyed many a blind.
Yeahhhhhhh, "fits of rage". I seem to recall Benjy also feels offended by seat belts. And the Fedex guy. And squirrels. Shall I go on?
Your place is looking fabulous!!!
oh i loveeee the chandelier! it is so cool. ;))
oh and benjy...i love him too much to think he would ever do anything wrong...heheheh. he is so adorable..
stickers or decals are very "in" in Paris too .. your choice is perfect!
Benji has some rabbit like qualitties....
haha Benjy is innocent! look at him. how can you get mad at a face like that, he knows it. :)
NIKELLA - I look guilty because I am guilty indeed...
SIMPLY MEL - I love it, it's almost as pretty as me!
BETH - I'm happy to hear I'm not the only blind destroyer.
TAOCITO - argh, the squirrels! the Fedex guy! The mere thought of them makes me verrrrrrrry angrrrrrrrry!
IF JANE - me? do wrong? I think not!
D. MOLL - rabbit qualities? Interesting. Tell me more...
LU LU - I am so adorable that no one can remain angry with me for very long. And I take advantage of that, he he he...
awesome chandelier. i've eyed those decals and it is nice to see that they do indeed look chic. I love etsy, my latest purchase is a necklush.
I totally understand. Sometimes, pigeons and cats dare to venture in MY garden. They have no shame! Also I have several yorkies that insist on walking in front of MY window! Don't they have any respect for me? I AM the cousin of the Oracle!
Ha ha!! Benjy you cutie!! I bet it's hard to get mad at such an adorable fella!! Great decal too by the way!
Love, love, love the chandelier, and (don't think it can be "Benjied"). Your taste is exquisite!
The chandelier decal is a wonderful graphic accent. and Benjy's "rearrangement" is just as artistic...an expression of his need for function, yes?
SEALAURA - thanks for the tip, I'll check out Necklush. Viva Etsy!
TAOCITO - ah mon pauvre Taocito, Ginger et ses amis te menent la vie dure...?
ANNIE - hmmmmm, I hadn't thought about it that way. Benjy as an artist!
Oh dear! That is indeed a look of guilt. And I love the chandelier.
hehe, naughty Benjy :)
Oh Benjy you crazy dog LOL
Wonderful decals! Elegant and modern at the same time.
Benjy is clearly a complex and deep pup... Regarding the mail carriers though, George is very much on the same boat. He hates the mailman with a passion. He's shy and rather afraid of strangers but whenever the Mailman comes by he throws himself against screen door or runs from window to window to get a good look at the guy... Not sure what that's about to be honest? :)
GABBI - why oh why is it? all the dogs in my building HATE the mailperson, regardless of who it is (he/she sometimes changes)... One of my neighbors' dog actually managed to attack one of the mailmen, it was quite a scene.
I wouldn't want to get George's sharp claws in my skin...
How cute is Benjy?! Just adorable. I really like the chandeleir, I will check them out on Etsy. I'm really liking Etsy too!
Kimberly Rose
oh boy........he looks guilty!
So cool!
beasty fangs and bits of rage, ha ha!!! Is he an LA Laker going for the goal or what?!!! (Couldn't resist) He so cute. Great photo.
Benjiii!! se ve tan tan lindooo con esa carita!
Oh my! That look could kill. I love Benji so much! That chandelier is cool too :-).
I have the feeling Benji is wondering about the 'where the glitzy crystals?!' ;)
Lovely weekend! My blog has turn 1 yr this week...Thanks for all the inspirations all this year Mary!
Joining the chorus... love your chandelier decal. And, here's to great etsy finds.
I am so thinking about something like this for my living room!
So cool!!!
It's been weeks since I've visited your blog but I'm glad to see your little guy is well. Love the chandelier decal. It's beautiful. As is it's reflection.
I like to read about other people having to re-arrange their lives or re-decorate because of their four-legged companions (make me feel a little more normal. Just slightly)! Ha! I don't think that's a look of guilt, though, more of a, "Yes? Can I help you? You're interrupting me" kind of look! Hilarious. I hope your new blinds and translucent paper are holding up...
I've been really thinking about decals, lately. I don't think they would work on my current walls, though (original, raw wood from 1954...very chalky, dusty feeling by now. :( )
And I hear ya on the unreasoning rage in the furkid. The destructo-pug around here has torn apart one of the sliding doors to the pool, where there is no glass, and had made himself a permanent doggy door, thanks to violent protection of the property to all comers, real or imagined. :p
Not a Bad Idea!
Looks wonderful. Great reading your post as well.Thanks.
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