Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fashioning Fashion at LACMA - Favorites


Miss Cavendish said...

So beautiful!!

Giulia said...

These are lovely, Mary-Laure. I'm having trouble identifying the third photograph's items, though. The colors are terrific. Do tell.


Mary-Laure said...

GIULIA - that's a turban, with a turquoise.

Aileen Kim said...

what pretty stuff! i so adore the white dress on top.

Aiz's new blog post: The Ghoulish Affair

carina said...

I love the hat/turban. I want it:-)

Spangler Cummings said...

Again, your art has elevated that which exists!

Mary-Laure said...

AIZKIM - those are English dresses for little boys, actually! I too find them adorable.

CARINA - yes, me too!

Pooch Purple Reign said...

i always wonder how all these intricate fancy things were made? by hand?

Julie@beingRUBY said...

What fun... love your last post too.. ciao xxx Julie

J Elaine said...

What an inspiring post. Thank you!

Sam said...

How utterly ravishing! Love your photos - you have really captured the loveliness of the clothes and fabric.

Mary-Laure said...

POOCH - all these are quite old, pre-industrial, so I can only imagine that yes, everything was done by hand. The show featured some incredibly intricate lace pieces, all hand made!

Pooch Purple Reign said...

wow, thats intense, really

Alessandra said...

Ciao Mary-Laure, and thank you thank you thank you so much for visiting me, so that I could also find out about your beautiful blog. I think that we have many things in common, but sometime I just wish that I was a little bit more stylish :-), this means that I will have to visit you often.

In fact, if you don't mind, I am going to put the link to your blog on my blog roll list on the side bar of my blog.

ciao, and a kiss and cuddle to Benjy.


Laura in Paris said...

THis exhibition has indeed inspired you! your pictures are beautiful.

Mary-Laure said...

ALESSANDRA - welcome to AUREA! It's a pleasure to greet a visitor from Italy. I will visit you again very soon for lots of Italian delights.

Emily said...

Love all of these. The colours are so vibrant. How I wish we could be more elegant today, although dressing like in the past would take too long.

alexandria said...

Lovely lace. These look like they have good stories behind them.

Mary-Laure said...

VANESSA - I think elegance should be easy, free of corsets and other complicated/constraining items. In that respect the 1920's were really a great new freedom for women. It made simplicity chic, as it should be.

ALEXANDRIA - yes, these clothes are filled with stories - those of the craftspeople who sewed them, printed them, dyed them etc, as well as those of the people who wore them.

Mlle Paradis said...

gorgeous! i've been meaning to go but was waiting for a rainy day. (i've been away so i guess i missed some.) anyway, great choices, i'm sold! so many nice posts here.

Robin said...

Mary Laure,

Sigh....all of these are so lovely...they make me long for those gentler (in some aspects) times....

Hugs to you and Benjy!

♥ Robin ♥

Anonymous said...

beautiful serie, stéphane.