When he is not running wild around his Etretat (Normandy) country house, Saki le chat hangs out at his Paris apartment. Named after a British writer, and owned by a history/geography teacher, he is quite the intellectuel parisien, with a passion for food too. Outside his window, he can gaze upon the zinc roofs of Paris - very Amélie, no?

Very :-) It's a great picture. I cant wait to visit again (will be travelling to your city in May)
Have a sweet New Year - you and Saki :-)
He's so handsome! :)
Mary Laure I think that pic with the one claw is hysterical.
How handsome! Look at those stripes!! Saki is part tiger, non? :)
...and Happy Happy New Year for 2010 - love your pretty blog and am looking forward to keeping up with you and your adventures in 2010!
Such a handsome cat. Love his view too. Cats really do live the very best lives, don't they? They find a sunny spot and lounge. When the sun moves- they follow it.
What a wonderful way to spend the cold months. Will you tell us about your New Year's plans in Paris?
CHRISTINE - my city? Do you mean Paris? I actually live in Los Angeles and am only in Paris for the holiday. But if/when you do visit Paris, don't hesitate to use the tips and recommendations from this very blog - just check out the posts under the label Paris.
DONNA - scary, no?
SAM - yes judging by his stripes and his humongous size (some 20 pounds), he must be part tiger. But he's very gentle and sweet.
DEBRA - Saki has a good life indeed; you should see him napping in his owner's large bed, he looks quite regal.
Will be spending new year's eve here in Paris, but no crazy plans. All I want is a quiet night at home...
La Giulia is in love. An intellectual Parisian male cat. Those tiger stripes. Seriously, she's sitting on my lap looking at pictures. I hope you're well, M-L. It's so very cold here in DC today & expecting icy rain. Ick.
Susan & GG
Very Amélie indeed! He looks like a very proud cat.
i have a crush on saki le chat...based on the last two photos! ;))
What lovely peeks into real Paris...zinc roofs, cats with aristocratic names...you!
He is beautiful and looks a lot like my Max.
IF JANE - maybe he'd be a good pal for your own darling Steevie?
GIULIA - ah, l'amour à Paris! Not for nothing is it called a romantic city. Saki is a handsome chap indeed.
ANNIE - oh, I don't think I've ever seen Max, please post pics of him on your blog!
What a playful "chat"! And Saki seems to enjoy having pictures taken of it!
Il est beau!
lovely photos of an intellectual cat!
I'm in love.
Wishing you a very Happy New Year dear Mary-Laure!
So cute. He looks like a little rascal.
LAURA - he's a natural in fron of the camera.
GABBI - as I know you love cats, I was hoping you'd see this! Maybe your George and Saki could become friends at a distance.
SUNDARI - he's playful (he played with the strap hanging from my camera as well as his own toys). Other than that, I think he behaves rather well.
Lovely photos:)
and a Happy New Year!
I like the roof picture very much!
And that cat is so cute i like those green eyes!
Happy New Year!
oh yes!!! since steevy is a montréalais...they can speak french to one another...;))) HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
He is quite chic and beautiful. Happy New Year!
Preciosas y tiernas fotos...
como las consigues? porque mis gatos no paran quietos cuando me ven con la cámara.
Un saludo y feliz 20010!
Oh, I am quite jealous of his view ;) I hope you have a gorgeous and lovely new year Mary-Laure!!
MARCI - fue muy facil sacar las fotos, pues Saki fue muy bueno y se quedo bien quietito para mi... Un verdardero modelo profesional.
Mientras con Benjy es mucho mas dificil, ya que no para cuando me ve con la camara, como tus gatos. Porque sera...?
Gorgeous! The view and the kitty! Happy 2010, Mary-Laure! Wish you the most beautiful wishes for this next chapter in your life's book.
I think I'm envious of your cat! :)
Je taime!!!
ANGELA - oh he is not MY cat; he belongs to my friend Sandra, who works and lives in Paris.
But I'm not saying I was never tempted to kidnap him, he he he...
Yes... I envy his life just a little bit, I have to say...
VINTAGE SIMPLE - he lives in Paris, has a wonderful view, lounges around in a pretty apartment, and vacations in Normandy! What's there NOT to envy?
LOVING your photos from Paris!!! Might have stolen a couple!
Awwww what a lucky kitty. :-D Someday I want to give that life to my cat. For now he hunts lizards in the trailer park. :-P
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