I was tagged by Andrea, whose blog , with its focus on beloved animals and pared-down, meditative art, is like a home away from home. The assignment read : Show me a special something, something that is important or beautiful or meaningful or full of memories for you - or all of that - and tell me about it.
I immediately chose a pair of pointe shoes. Ballet is my passion, my shelter, my discipline, and to dance is like to make love to music. Also pictured is my old all-manual Minolta; though I hardly ever use it anymore, I love its retro look; it also embodies my creative endeavors and the reminds me of the many happy memories once sealed inside its metallic belly.
I share your passion for dance as a way of life, these endless rehearsals that heal our souls and clear our minds.
Enfouie sous le satin des pointes, sous l'acier poli et noir de l'appareil photo on distingue quelques lettres sur un papier glacé...mais qu'est ce donc?
Thank you Mary - Laure for showing us the things you like. As a child I was dreaming about to be a ballet - dancer ( and illustrator and veterinarian).Unfortunately I don´t have a musical ear. But some of my child´s dreams came true.
I covet a digital Leika... retro look, modern conveniences!
Actually, Eclecticentertaining, it so happens my digital camera, a Lumix, features a Leica lens... (it was a wonderful and amazing X-mas present, that allowed me to start this blog). And the design is very retro, which is another reason why I love it.
thats a really pretty picture.x
the shoes are so beautiful
how long have you been dancing for mary-laure?
Lovely photo! I love the pink ballet shoes against the black camera.
I gave you a shout on my latest post...take a look.
Dear Marie, I started dancing when I was about 4, but it was really not serious. I danced on and off as a child and then stopped for about 15 years until, as a 2-something, I realized how much I missed it and headed for a dance studio. I just love it! (But I'm really not very good...)
Sweet picture. I love those shoes!
ooh, beautiful! wish i had that talent.
My dancinghistory sounds quite like yours: I started at age of 4 or 5, had that beatifull and very dear hobby until I was about 14. There was a time when I took the lessons 4 times per week. Still remember that very demanding and strict Russian teacher..;-)
And then, at 20-something (me, too!) I wanted to take ballet back to my life again and went to some adultcourses. After a short break, and back to busines at my thirties again. My last (?) lessons I took last winter at the age of 39. To be honest, I’m not so sure it was the last time I’ll be dancing.
Lovely snapshot that tells a lot about you!
Violet, I can't believe how much we have in common, it's just stunning!
I hope the class you took last winter will not be your last. When you come to Paris, I'll take you to class with me, it'll be fun!
What a BEAUTIFUL photograph!!!
Beautiful photo.
My daughter is a dancer. I wish I had gone back to take dance as an adult. I think if you are a dancer as a child, you will always miss it.
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