As a dancer, I can only be deeply moved by this Roman version of a Hellenistic Aphrodite (aka "Lely's Venus"), whose marble body is so exquisitely expressive. I took pictures of her from different angles, and though none includes her eyes or even her face, she does seem to tell us so much, doesn't she?
Whenever I'm at the British Museum, I make it a point to drop by the Greek statuary (an obsession that has increased with the major Praxiteles exhibition at the Louvre last year). I always feel reunited with long-lost friends.
It is absolutely brilliant. Whenever I go to the British Museum, no matter what section I decide to dive into, I take a few minutes to go around it and be, once more, amazed.
C'est super ce compte-rendu de ton petit parcours londonien, il y en a pour tous les goûts (art, mode, litt...). Mais, pardonne ma curiosité, tu es mi française-mi anglaise ?
Aphrodite almighty!
Lovely figure!
oh my goodness, so beautiful. thank you for the inspiration, M-L. xoxo joanna
Such beautiful photos!
Le dos d'Aphrodite est magnifique. On dirait une sculture contemporaine. Tres beau cadre.
Oh, lovely. I am feeling some MAJOR wanderlust just looking at this, Mary-Laure!
Beautiful sculpture! I never really paid too much attention to those sculptures but I should have a look next time I go there!
How graceful! the last picture is abeautiful shot
i love the cold smell of the stone in the sculpture rooms..there is nothing quite like wandering between works and trying to soak up all their beauty, they are so beautiful!
love the human body, especially a dancer's strength and care for motion in space.
You have taken beautiful pictures of these statues! You invite us to imagine what's missing, a wonderful exercise.
the British Museum is great
that is particually beautiful
Wonderful photos and beautiful words. Thank you!
This looks really beautiful!
So jealous! This is beautiful!
I totally agree with you. I do like suits but only in very specific occasions. I feel it's me giving character to the clothes I'm wearing and not the other way around.
Have a nice weekend!
Wow, magnificent.
Those pictures really show the brilliance too! (nice photos)
Sounds fun! Never been....
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