Dear Taocito, dear readers: Dog-walking etiquette is as complex as protocol in royal Versailles! Civilized pet-owners should have their dogs on a leash, and say 'Bonjour' to fellow dog walkers with a smile. That said, I'm a pragmatic beast: some dog-owners are hopeless louts (ah, Parisians and their "J'fais c'que j'veux"!), and rather than have her fear spread to you, I recommend your mistress scoop you up and change sidewalks.
(To illustrate to this post, in addition to a snapshot of moi, my amanuensis chose the picture of an impeccably educated, leashed dog she met Place des Vosges on Sunday. It's the kind of dog her favorite French writer, Colette, loved dearly!)
Dear readers, if you too have a question about lifestyle, fashion, shopping, Paris or anything else, post it in the Comments section. The Oracle always answers!
(See more dogs: the Westminster show.)
wise advice! you really are tres mignon benjy! a bientot!
my neighbor has recently "borrowed" a dog from a friend while her husband is away in Isreal. The dog is outside and howls and cries through the hedges at night; a mournful sound. Provoking dreams of chained psyches in the underworld.
Should i set him free in the moonlight one night? Or call the dog catcher?
Benjy for president!
You're too cute, Benjy!
Thank you Benjy for answering my question. My owner is actually considering pepper spray at this point.
I would like to point out that not all dog owners are savages as some do greet you politely and laugh when I sniff their dogs' derrières (it's an ID thing people!), even if the leashes get all tangled up!
I love dogs, and would love to hear more dog stories. Thanks for leaving those nice comments on my Blog.
beautiful post, advices are very useful :)
Dear all - thanks for commenting on my cuteness. If I weren't back I'd blush.
Dear Mansuetude - I am sorry to hear about my colleague... Your description sounds terrible. I'd love you to set him free but I'm not sure it would do wonders for your relationship with your neighbors! I would recommend you talk to your neighbor, and hope for a prompt return of her husband...
Dear Pierre - thank you for your support; I'm to busy to run for office, but I hope my assistant and other Americans vote for whoever represents the donkey in the election...
Taocito - I'm glad your liked my response. I'm a big derriere sniffer myself. How fun, no?
One wonders if the "savage labrador" (ha ha ha!!!) was not, perhaps, a prior acquaintance? One should then submit the notion the "attack" (hee hee hee!) reflects more on one's personality the on the labrador or his walker?
Ah, Benjy, t'es trop mignon. Tu me manques, un peu, mais pas trop, seulement quand je regarde ta photo.
Great work.
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