9 a.m.: the blue canvas seen through the roof of St-Pancras - the Eurostar now reaches London in a mere 2 hours, and arrives at St-Pancras rather than Waterloo station (the witty slogan of the ad campaign, featuring Napoleon in front of cheering soldiers, reads "Forget Waterloo!").
Noon: the spindly branches of Russell Square, in literature-infused Bloomsbury (think Virginia Woolf but also Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes, who were married in the neighborhood).
4 p.m.: clear skies above the British Museum, where the beauty of the looted Greek exhibits is sure to make me teary-eyed.
In the days to come I'll share snippets from my shopping booty, glimpses from the British Museum exhibition on Chinese's art fascination for nature and more...
yay! i heart museums and i can´t wait to your british museum post!!
Oh Jo, I'm so happy to hear that! I was afraid readers may be bored by a post about a museum...
I heart (make it BIG heart) museums too, and the British Museum has a very special place in my heart. What's your favorite museum?
i love museums..they're the best place to escape to for whatever reason, or for no reason at all..
they are so peaceful, and so many stories can be found!
(and i'd love to go to london for the weekend..)
I love these photos. Such a very personnal sight of London.
I am looking forward! I have never been in London and chinese´s art sounds great.
I'm a museum- and London-lover too! So anxiously waiting for your future-posts!
London and museum in the same sentence... Sounds great! I'm all for museums. And as the others said, can't wait to see your pictures...
Sympa les photos!
Sounds wonderful! Can't wait to see your photos!! Glad you had nice weather.
I'm thrilled that no only Jo but also Marie, Andrea, Ekub and Etsi are excited about the museum posts - I suspect Ronda, from All The Best, is also a museum lover, as she loves art... I wasn't sure I'd feature them but now I'm cleaning up my pictures like crazy!
I love the British Museum too! Whenever I'm in London I compulsely go to the BM, oriental antiques, and stroll along the Assyrian stone frescoes. Then I feel I am ready.
lovely lovely lovely images... those windows and webbings...such the stuff of life--and looking up!! I like.
Thanks for taking all fo us on vacation... and i am off to buy that lipstick because I want to be just like you!
How is that new station? I've heard St. Pancreas is the new meeting place in London. N'est pas?
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