What keeps me fit is soccer, or le football, as it is known here in France; yes, four feet are better than two...
My amanuensis occasionally takes Pilates but her passion is ballet - she is quick to quote Merce Cunningham: Dance is a spiritual exercise in physical form. Among her favorite maîtres de ballet are Lazzarelli & Casati (Centre de Danse du Marais, Paris), the teachers at the Westside Ballet in Santa Monica, and Whitney Shulman at the Miami Ballet (she also blogs). Me, I just gnaw on old pointe shoes and bounce around as she does her ronds de jambe at the barre she installed in her tiny flat (see picture)
Dear readers, if you too have a question about lifestyle, fashion, shopping, Paris or anything else, post it in the Comments section. The Oracle always answers!
WOW I'm so flattered!
Thanks for the shout out, how exciting! I had no idea my teaching talents extended to those of the canine persuasion! :)
Hope all is well, thanks again for thinking of me.
Hi Mary-Laure, thanks for visiting my blog today. Yours is just beautiful and I adore Benjy! I'll be checking back often.
HAAAAA---this is the CUTEST post EVER. AND I love your hat in the sidebar photo--- so cute! :)
so sweet! i've done a little pilates too..but i stick with yoga!
Benjy is Sooo Kiutooo!
Is that a new "ear style"?
So you enjoy playing soccer Benjy. How nice. You prefer soccer or gnawing at shoes. I like gnawing at shoes myself though I haven't done it in a while (my taste for chewing only applies to really expensive things hence my mistress only buys the cheap stuff now)
I love the new ear style, only you kind pull off this slightly avant garde look!
Benjy is so handsome among those pointes. I love that his ears are turned to reveal a tender pink which indeed matches the pointes.
What a smart dog! I have a question: do you dress different for every ocasion or are a natural-born nudie?
I bet that with that splendid shape you'll prefer going bare...
Thank you all for your kind words! I am cute, aren't I...
Dear Etsi - I like your question! I will make sure to answer it in my next column on this blog... I know you are a VERY talented illustrator with a knack for drawing animals, but I don't think I ever saw any "perritos" like me among your sketches...
Dear Whitt, you are more than welcome; you gave me what is arguably the best dance advice I ever received: "Don't dance under yourself". It was liberating!
Dear Laura, this is an ear-style I sport occasionally when I'm in the mood for some FUN.
LOVE the ears.
hello Oracle,
I tried to rock the reversed ear look last night but I have to admit I earned more laughs than praises. I guess that the black vs pink contrast is more fashionable than the white vs pink (did I mention I am a fluffy white poochon?). So, dear Oracle, could you recommend an edgy style for me?
I adore Benjy. I would like to see him doing some pilates and dance, actually.
soooooooooo cute
just so so so cute!!!!!
Benjy, parlez-vous francais?
Can you please post on all the lovely
1. "moutardes" in France! WE adore ca vo ra! One cannot find it in the USA!
2. Love the supermarket "Piccard" --
3. Are there a lot of Americans Dancing in Paris?
I will think of other questions....
hmmmm pilates, clever pooch!
Dear PVE Design, thanks for those TERRIFIC questions! I'll answer in an upcoming post. Unfortunately I am not allowed into Picard but I do walk over to the store with my assistant and meditate while she shops the aisles.
And bien sûr, je parle français! I am fluent in dog, French, English and also understand some Spanish.
Taocito, I love your question. I'll think of some avant-garde tips and will share them with you soon.
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